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Watching Out written by Ann Granger performed by Kim Hicks on Audio CD (Unabridged)£39.99

The job, for a start: there's something rather sinister about the way the pizzeria is run. And the play rehearsals aren't going well. As if all this doesn't bring problems enough, Fran has rashly undertaken to help a young boy, illegally in the country, find an elusive people trafficker called Max. When the trail Fran is following is suddenly and tragically interrupted by a horrifying death, she finds herself up against dangerous men and a ruthless organisation. Ann Granger has lived...

The Flower Girls written by Dee WIlliams performed by Kim Hicks on Audio CD (Unabridged)

The Flower Girls written by Dee WIlliams performed by Kim Hicks on Audio CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £39.99Earn 39 Loyalty Points

ISBN:  9781471307508
Genre - Main:  Fiction
Genre - Specific:  Historical
Duration:  485 mins
Length:  Unabridged
Author:  Dee WIlliams
Performer 1:  Kim Hicks
Rarity:  Unique



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After severing all ties, can she ever reunite with those she left behind? The Flower Girls is a heart-breaking saga of destructive ambition and the power of family ties, from much-loved author Dee Williams. Perfect for fans of Lindsey Hutchinson and Cathy Sharp. Identical twins Lily and Rose Flowers aren't from a rich family, but they lead a comfortable life in 1920s Rotherhithe with their mum and dad. The twins are the...

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