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Bloodline written by Mark Billingham performed by Paul Thornley on Audio CD (Unabridged)

Bloodline written by Mark Billingham performed by Paul Thornley on Audio CD (Unabridged)£39.99

When a woman's body is found in a North London flat clutching a bloodstained sliver of X-ray, DI Thorne discovers that the victim's mother had herself been murdered fifteen years before by the infamous serial killer Raymond Garvey. When more bodies and more fragments of X-ray are discovered, a horrifying picture emerges: a killer is targeting the children of Garvey's victims...

The Burning Girl written by Mark Billingham performed by Paul Thornley on Audio CD (Unabridged)

Last One!
Very Rare!
The Burning Girl written by Mark Billingham performed by Paul Thornley on Audio CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £39.99Earn 39 Loyalty Points

ISBN:  9781407476353
Genre - Main:  Fiction
Genre - Specific:  Thriller
Duration:  675 mins
Length:  Unabridged
Author:  Mark Billingham
Performer 1:  Paul Thornley
Rarity:  Extremely Rare



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Jessica Clarke had been set alight 20 years ago. Her attacker, quickly tracked down and eager to confess, is still in jail, his career as a hitman for North London gangs now well behind him. So who is harassing Carol Chamberlain, the arresting officer, and claiming that he is one who burned the girl? Now retired, Carol turns to DI Tom Thorne for help. Thorne is up to his neck investigating a series of killings which appear to...

be the result of a turf war between rival gangs, and he's fed up to the gills with reporting to DCI Tughan, so helping Carol out looks like a good deed in a naughty world.

Only the world is about to turn much nastier, so nasty in fact that he finds himself longing for a straightforward psycopath to hunt down.

This is a powerful work, exploring the effects of violence and greed on the lives of those who exploit their fellow beings.

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