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Selected Categories

Audio CD

Audiobooks in Audio CD format.
These disks will play on any CD Player or DVD player.


Audiobooks on Audio Cassettes.

These audio cassettes require a standard cassette player

with any Metal functions turned-off


Audiobooks on MP3 CDs

These audiobooks are to be played on a Laptop or Desktop CD/DVD drive

or can be played on an MP3 enabled CD Player

MP3 Player

MP3 Players which have been manufactured to play on audiobook


New Search Tool Announced


We at Brainfood Audiobooks are very proud of our reputation for Customer Service and constant innovation.

To that end today we have implemented a new search tool for all our Customers to check the new titles that have been added in the last few months. As with all new tools there may be minor issues but we have fully tested it and are confident you will find it very useful.

Massive thanks goes to all the Customers who have suggested improvements over the last few months. Most of your ideas are being implemented.