If you love Percy Jackson, discover the magic of Pegasus. In their third breathtaking adventure, Emily and Pegasus must confront their most dangerous challenge yet. When news reaches Olympus that a Pegasus lookalike has been spotted in the human world, Emily and her friends are determined to fly back to Earth to investigate. Their new mission takes them from Area 51 to Las Vegas, where they discover a...
THERE'S A COYOTE IN THE HOUSE is Elmore Leonard's first children's novel. Antwan is a coyote, living in the Hollywood Hills, who loves life on the wild side - running free in the woods with the wind in his fur, hanging with his gang the Diablos, grooming the pack for ticks and fleas and chasing anything that moves and might be edible. There's just one thing a wild dog's got to do - and that's keep away from humans.