Join Noddy and friends in the magical world of Toyland in these six episodes from the hit television series, complete with music and sound effects. Noddy and Big-Ears, Tessie Bear, Bumpy Dog and all his other friends get into mischief and have some great adventures in these six fantastic episodes. Noddy is having a picnic in the countryside when he remembers he has to be in Toy Town to meet the train, in...
"Don't Be Late, Noddy". Can he make it with Tessie and Bumpy's help? "Big-Ears For A Day" finds Noddy feeling overworked. He thinks that Big-Ears has more fun than he does, so Big-Ears suggests that they swap places for a day. Noddy soon realises that being Big-Ears is a lot harder than he first thought.
In "The Great Train Chase", Master Tubby Bear is tired of being told to wait until he's older: he wants to do things now! When he naughtily drives off in the toy train, he realises he's not really old enough for some things. Noddy longs for a toy train set in "Noddy's Great Discovery", and when he finds ten coins on the ground he buys one.
He, then, learns that the lost coins belong to Mrs. Skittle. Should he own up? When Noddy's car breaks down in "Noddy Can Fix It", he decides to mend it himself, but just makes things worse.
Finally, in "Bumpy Dog's Visit", Tessie Bear leaves town for a day. Noddy thinks taking care of Bumpy Dog will be easy - but he underestimates the amount of energy the dog has.
So take a trip to Toyland and join in the fun!