The entire second series of BBC Radio 4’s groundbreaking First World War drama serial. First broadcast from December 2014 to January 2015, the drama of Home Front Series Two is set exactly one hundred years before. Following characters from a wide cross-section of British society in 1914, the action is once again set in the Edwardian seaside town Folkestone. For the men and women of the town, recruitment and volunteering are the order of the day.
Rome, AD 34: Vespasian is serving as a military officer on the outskirts of the Empire. But political events in Rome - Tiberius's increasing debauchery, the escalating grain crisis - draw him back to the city. When Caligula becomes Emperor, Vespasian believes that things will improve. Instead, the young emperor deteriorates from Rome's shining star to a blood-crazed, incestuous, all-powerful madman.