Falling in love is easy . . .. . . even for Kezi, though she knows her days are numbered. And head-over-heels, come-what-may love is inevitable if her heart's desire is Olus, the Akkan god of the winds. But accepting death is hard, especially when romance is new. Falling in love is easy for Olus if his beloved is Kezi...
a beautiful mortal, a dancer and rug weaver from the city of Hyte. But facing Kezi's approaching death is unbearable. Love brings Kezi the will to fight her fate. Love gives Olus the strength to confront his fears.
She questions her faith and seeks truth in dark places. He suffers a godi??i??i??s trial when she needs a champion. Together - and apart - they encounter spiders with webs of iron, the cruel lord of the land of the dead, the mysterious god of destiny, and the tests of the Akkan gods.
If they succeed, they will be together; but if they fail, Olus will have to endure the ultimate loss, and Kezi will have to make the supreme sacrifice.