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Cherry Ice written by Jill Laurimore performed by Tara Ward on Audio CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £39.99Earn 39 Loyalty Points

ISBN:  9781845053468
Genre - Main:  Fiction
Genre - Specific:  Modern
Duration:  750 mins
Length:  Unabridged
Author:  Jill Laurimore
Performer 1:  Tara Ward
Rarity:  Extremely Rare



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An entrancing coming of age tale, Cherry Ice captures the end of an era characterised by its elegance and style. It's the story of Ella, a young girl who travels across the Atlantic in the Queen Mary, the largest, most beautiful ship in the world, during the summer of 1964. Ella is on her way to New York to see the father she barely remembers. She's left behind her beloved mother in London. All three experience a sea...

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