In a seemingly impossible venture, Alexander and his men storm Persian fortresses and harbours, crippling King Dariuis’s domination of land and sea. Even the legendary Halicarnassus is defeated by the Macedinoan armies. Ruthlessly, Alexander’s war machine moves ever onward taking him up into the snow-covered Anatolian highlands, and ever closer to his destiny. But there is much danger ahead.
THERE'S A COYOTE IN THE HOUSE is Elmore Leonard's first children's novel. Antwan is a coyote, living in the Hollywood Hills, who loves life on the wild side - running free in the woods with the wind in his fur, hanging with his gang the Diablos, grooming the pack for ticks and fleas and chasing anything that moves and might be edible. There's just one thing a wild dog's got to do - and that's keep away from humans.