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A Town Like Alice written by Nevil Shute performed by Robin Bailey on MP3 CD (Unabridged)

A Town Like Alice written by Nevil Shute performed by Robin Bailey on MP3 CD (Unabridged)£14.99

Jean Paget is just twenty years old and working in Malaya when the Japanese invasion begins. When she is captured she joins a group of other European women and children whom the Japanese force to march for miles through the jungle. While on the march, the group run into some Australian prisoners, one of whom, Joe Harman, helps them steal some food, and is horrifically punished by the Japanese as a result.

A Town Like Alice written by Nevil Shute performed by Robin Bailey on CD (Unabridged)

A Town Like Alice written by Nevil Shute performed by Robin Bailey on CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £29.99Earn 29 Loyalty Points

ISBN:  9781486267484 - 9781408431757
Genre - Main:  Fiction
Genre - Specific:  Modern
Duration:  622 mins
Length:  Unabridged
Author:  Nevil Shute
Performer 1:  Robin Bailey



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Jean Paget, a young Englishwoman living in Malaya, is captured by the invading Japanese and forced on a brutal seven-month death march with dozens of other women and children. A few years after the war, Jean is back in England, the nightmare behind her. However, an unexpected inheritance inspires her to..

return to Malaya to give something back to the villagers who saved her life.

Jean's travels lead her to a desolate Australian outpost called Willstown, where she finds a challenge that will draw on all the resourcefulness and spirit that carried her through her war-time ordeals.

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