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A History of Western Philosophy written by Bertrand Russell performed by Jonahtan Keeble on Audio CD (Unabridged)

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A History of Western Philosophy written by Bertrand Russell performed by Jonahtan Keeble on Audio CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £129.99Earn 129 Loyalty Points

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Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy serves as the perfect introduction to its subject; it remains unchallenged as the greatest account of the history of Western thought. Charting philosophy's course from the pre-Socratics up to the early twentieth century, Russell relates each philosopher and school to their respective historical and cultural contexts, providing erudite commentary throughout his...

invaluable survey.

This engaging and comprehensive work has done much to educate and inform generations of general readers; it is written in accessible and elegantly crafted prose and allows for an easy grasp of complex ideas.

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