James Grout, Jimmy Mulville, Robert Duncan and Andy Hamilton star in six episodes from the third and fourth series of Old Harry's Game, the comedy series set in Hell. Specifically - Series 3 Episode 1 to 3 and Series 4 Episode 2 to 4. Satan may rule the roost, but he's beset by the poor unfortunates condemned to sit out Eternity with him. Amongst them are the Professor, who is convinced that societies evolve...
Shortlisted for The Folio Prize 2014 From the beloved and best-selling author of Plainsong and Eventide comes a story of life and death, and the ties that bind, once again set out on the High Plains in Holt, Colorado. When Dad Lewis is diagnosed with terminal cancer, he and his wife, Mary, must work together to make his final days as comfortable as possible. Their daughter, Lorraine, hastens back from Denver...