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The Aye-Aye and I written by Gerald Durrell performed by Nigel Davenport on Audio CD (Unabridged)

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The Aye-Aye and I written by Gerald Durrell performed by Nigel Davenport on Audio CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £59.99Earn 59 Loyalty Points

ISBN:  9781445801667
Genre - Main:  Non-Fiction
Genre - Specific:  Nature
Duration:  403 mins
Length:  Unabridged
Author:  Gerald Durrell
Performer 1:  Nigel Davenport
Rarity:  Extremely Rare



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This expedition book recounts the search for the exotic island of Madagascar for the aye aye - a rare creature. The Malagasy people have imbued it with strange magical powers - in one tribe the aye aye's slim third finger is dried and used by the village sorcerer as a magic charm against evil. But as the...

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